What Can You Expect at Divorce Mediation?

Asi De from two people agreeing upon their own accord, there is no easier or better way than divorce mediation (as our attached video talks about) to work through a divorce. The good new is, divorce mediation is the most amicable way two parties can come to terms when there are any disputed matters between them. The bad news is, this is still a divorce proceeding, the end of a marriage, and anything but a good day.

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That is also another reason divorce mediation is such a popular avenue for divorcees, because it helps to expedite the process and eliminates the need for a courtroom.

While most of the processes during a divorce mediation are fairly standard, e.g., filing paperwork, delivering paperwork, filling out income statements, etc., every case is also unique. That is also to be expected, since no two people, let alone couples or relationships, are the same. The number of issues, concerns, and disputes between the parties will dictate what to expect. It will either be a reasonably fast agree to this and sign here process, or a revise, not agreeable, revise again type of proceeding. Either way, divorce mediation is still a more affordable, quicker, and in most cases, less painful process than taking it to court.

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