How to Find the Right Assisted Living Facility for Your Loved Ones

When an individual needs a bit of extra care in a professional environment, look beyond nursing homes, which provide intensive, full-time care. Assisted living facilities are live-in communities where residents can live as independently as possible while getting help with activities of daily living, housekeeping, meal service, and personalized care. Here are some expert tips concerning how to choose an assisted living facility for a loved one.

A good first step is to schedule an appointment to tour the community and rooms and see how the staff interacts with residents. Do they know them by name when passing by them? Pay attention to how staff interact with each other, as well.

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Do the residents sound and seem happy? While there, observe the condition and cleanliness of the community.

Ask about what activities are offered at the assisted living facility. Beyond watching TV, are there arts and crafts, games, exercise and fitness classes, and other fun things for residents to participate in? Check out the room sizes to see if a loved one will feel comfortable living there. Ask about how often they do housekeeping and handle emergencies. Look for any shared outdoor spaces. Are they inviting for the residents?

Inquire whether there is adequate staffing on nights and weekends. Is there a nurse available onsite 24/7? How are emergency staff shortages handled? With these covered, finding the right assisted living community is a breeze.

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