Swimming Pools: Why You Should Have One in Your Backyard

Luxury salt water pool and patio in a residential backyard.

Extensions are essential to every American backyard. Without them, these backyards would be empty. Considering the average size is around 10,000 square feet, people can fit all sorts of extensions in their backyard. However, there is one option that you should consider building, and that is a swimming pool.

The pandemic has caused an increasing amount of Americans to build a swimming pool in their backyard. It’s primarily because many public pools were closed due to the health crisis. However, there are many more reasons to have a swimming pool in your backyard. Here are some of them.

Increase Property Value

The first reason is that it increases your property value. For example, a study done in 2019 showed that installing a swimming pool could increase your home’s value by 4-6%. The return on an investment will also be quicker if you live in a warm climate.

Aquatic Exercise

If you’re looking for a low-impact form of exercise, look no further than your backyard swimming pool. Water aerobics is excellent for people with joint pain or other health conditions that make the high-impact activity difficult. Swimming is also a perfect way to get a full-body workout.

Two brothers enjoying their time in the pool

Family Fun

A swimming pool is a perfect place to spend time with loved ones. You can host barbecues, pool parties, and other gatherings. The kids will also love the pool during the summer months.

There are many reasons to have a swimming pool in your backyard. If you’re planning to build one, here are a few things to remember. The first of which is the difference between above-ground and in-ground swimming pools.

Above-ground vs. In-ground

The most significant difference between above and below-ground pools is the price. Above-ground pools are more affordable than in-ground pools. The installation process is also less complicated and can be done by someone with little experience. The average price of an inground pool is around $30,000, while an above-ground pool is less than half of that.

Another difference is that above-ground pools are not as durable as in-ground pools. This is because they’re made of cheaper materials, and they’re not built to last as long. On the other hand, in-ground pools are made of high-quality materials and can last for decades with proper maintenance.

Finally, above-ground pools are not as aesthetically pleasing as in-ground pools. So if you’re looking for a pool that will make your backyard look like a resort, you’ll want to go with an in-ground pool.

Getting the Permits

Once you’ve decided on the type of pool you want, you’ll need to get the proper permits. The building process will also require a permit.

Interestingly enough, some above-ground pool designs don’t require a permit. But all in-ground pools require a permit, so get one if you’re planning an in-ground pool.

The average cost of a permit is around $400, but it can vary depending on the municipality.

Financing Options

If you’re planning an in-ground pool, several financing options are available. For example, you can take out a home equity loan, a personal loan, or use your credit card.

You can also finance your project through a contractor. This option is called construction financing. With this type of financing, the contractor pays for the materials and labor while you pay the interest on the loan. Once the project is completed, you pay off the loan in full. Use these options if you’re struggling to finance your project.

Hiring the Right Contractor

After you’ve obtained the necessary permits, it’s time to start thinking about the construction process. If you’re planning an in-ground pool, you’ll need to hire a licensed contractor.

You’ll also have to check whether your licensed contractor has taken the OHSA 10-hour construction course. This will ensure that they can work safely in your pool. However, the exam is different if you live in the United Kingdom. Your contractor needs to have taken the CSCS exam if you want them to work on your project. This is the OHSA equivalent in the United Kingdom.

When it comes to above-ground pools, you can usually install them yourself. But if you’re uncomfortable with that, you can hire a contractor.

Pool Safety

Once your pool is built, it’s time to consider safety. Pools can be dangerous if you don’t take the necessary precautions.

The first thing you need to do is install a fence around your pool. It will prevent children and animals from getting into the pool without supervision. You should also put up a sign that says “No Diving” to prevent injuries.

It’s also a good idea to install a pool alarm. It will notify you if someone falls into the pool. Pool alarms are an essential part of keeping your family safe.

You should also have a phone near the pool in an emergency. And make sure everyone in your family knows how to swim. These are just a few safety measures you must take when you have a pool.

Keep these things in mind when you’re planning to build a swimming pool in your backyard. It’s a significant investment but will pay off in the long run. Not to mention, it’s a great place to spend time with family and friends.

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