Ways to Get the Most of Your Kitchen Remodel

kitchen remodel concept

Having a kitchen remodel is an excellent way to breathe new life into your home.

More often than not, cooking up these changes entail a hefty financial cost. That’s why it’s essential to be smart about the improvements you plan on implementing. To make sure you’re getting the most out of the endeavor, follow these pointers.

Talk to your builders

When hiring professionals to do the work, maintain open lines of communication. Just because they’ll be the ones executing the remodeling doesn’t mean you keep your hands off the project.

Establish a decent rapport with your builders or remodelers. Check-in on them and see if they have all the equipment they need or if they need some refreshments. Don’t hesitate to do a bit of small talk if they’re receptive to it.

Use this as an opportunity to communicate your redesign vision. Regular interactions will also help you address technical issues that can pop-up and stay within budget.

However, be mindful of hounding them for project updates and completion progress. The purpose of open communication is not to annoy workers. It’s to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Consider value when choosing appliances

With a redesigned kitchen in the works, you might have ideas on acquiring new appliances.

It can’t be denied that there’s a certain appeal to commercial-grade and luxury-brand appliances, whether it’s an oven, refrigerator, stove, or others. Just make sure to ask yourself if these are the type of devices that fit you or your family’s needs.

Additionally, appliances shouldn’t take priority over kitchen design and functionality.

That being said, when it does come down to acquiring appliances, go for long term utility and value. A decent microwave, food processor, or dishwasher that is energy-efficient and ergonomic can make a huge difference in the cooking (and cleaning) experience.

Get bright ideas on lighting

Similar to the point above on appliances, proper lighting can also improve the overall cooking experience. Strategic placement of the appropriate fixtures can make the space look brighter and feel larger than it really is.  Also, good lighting helps you work safely in the kitchen.

Find areas in the kitchen that require the appropriate lighting solution. Deep cabinets for pots and pans are notorious for their dimly lit areas. Under-cabinet lighting can help address that issue. Sink and general prep areas can benefit from recessed lighting.

Add some flair and style with ambient lighting as well (e.g., wall sconces, dimmable LEDs) to match the overall design you’re trying to pull-off.

Expand storage options

remodeled kitchen

In an area of the home where all kinds of food and supplies are kept, storage is precious. It’s a good idea to find ingenious ways of increasing storage capacity. There are several ways to go about this.

Add pull-out shelves that can help reduce countertop clutter. You can mount a coffeemaker, toaster, or any other appliance on them. Consider installing cabinets that go all the way to the ceiling. The topmost portion of these cabinets can keep seldom-used kitchenware and items from gathering dust.

While there are many more kitchen remodeling ideas you can find online, these four suggestions can help you get started on the right track. Enjoy!

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