Keeping Your Home Clean While Renovating: What to Do

a person moving in

Making a mess is an inevitable part of any home renovation project. But with a bit of organization and discipline, you can minimize the amount of cleanup required in the end. By setting up a designated work area, always wearing protective gear, and cleaning up as you go, you can keep your home looking great even during renovations!

Have a designated work area

The best way to keep everything organized is to have a designated work area. Whether you’re doing a complete renovation or just installing a new backsplash, designate a specific area for all of the tools and materials needed for that project. You should also keep your next day’s work supplies in this space so that you can minimize the amount of time you spend running around looking for a specific tool.

Keeping your tools and supplies organized will help ensure that you don’t end up with many leftover items, too. In order of importance, label each container as either keep or donate/throw away. This way, you’ll know exactly what’s worth keeping and what you can replace.

Always wear protective gear

The risk of injury is very high on a construction site, and without proper gear, you could be at serious risk for cuts and other traumas. A good idea would be to invest in some safety glasses and leather gloves. If you haven’t worn these before, it can take some getting used to; if this is the case, it might be helpful to practice taking them on and off.

With the current pandemic, it’s also important for people to use personal protective equipment (PPE) while working to prevent the virus from spreading in the work area. This is particularly true with the emergence of a more transmissible variant of the virus.

Clean up as you go

The best way to keep your home clean while renovations are going on is to clean up as you go. This may take a bit of extra time, but it will help eliminate the need for long cleanups at the end of the day.

Always keep a wet sponge and roll of paper towels on hand, and wipe down any surface you’ve used. If possible, bring along a roll of garbage bags so that you can line your trashcan with one before throwing your waste away. Keep the bag tightly closed until it’s time to take out the trash. Try to avoid using many harsh chemicals, as this can irritate the respiratory systems of those who are sensitive to such products.

Remove construction debris from the premises daily

construction site

For any larger projects, it’s a good idea to remove all construction debris from the premises daily. This includes clearing your work area as well as sweeping or mopping up after yourself.

Removing construction debris is an important part of keeping your home clean during renovations. Not only can it be dangerous to have debris lying around, but it can also be unsightly and difficult to clean up later on. By taking a few minutes each day to clear away your work area and sweep or mop the floors, you can avoid having a huge mess to deal with at the end of the project.

Additionally, removing construction debris can help to prevent injuries. Without a designated work area, it’s easy for people to trip over tools or materials that have been left lying around. And if you’re using harsh chemicals or solvents, it’s important to make sure that these are kept away from children and pets.

Setting up a roll-off dumpster close to the home also allows workers to dispose of trash and debris immediately at the end of the day. The equipment allows you to ensure your home remains clean while the home is being renovated.

Cover furniture with plastic to protect it from paint and dust damage

To keep your home clean during renovations, you must cover furniture with plastic sheeting. If you don’t have any of this laying around, a large sheet of heavy-duty garbage bag can work just as well. It’s also helpful to place tarps over anything with an expensive or sentimental value, such as old family photos or artwork.

The best way to keep your home clean while renovations are going on is to clean up as you go. This may take a little extra time, but it will help eliminate the need for long cleanups at the end of the day. Try to avoid using many harsh chemicals, as this can irritate the respiratory systems of those who are sensitive to such products.

Renovating a home can be a difficult and messy process, but with a few simple tips, you can minimize the mess and keep your home looking great.

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