Indoor Exercises to Keep you Active

indoor exercise

It’s no secret that staying active is essential for our health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends at least one hundred and fifty minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week. But what if you can’t go outside because of the recent health crisis?

According to reports, the emerging variants of COVID-19 are easy to transmit, and for some people, this means being cooped up indoors. While we can’t do anything about the restrictions and protocols outside, we can still exercise inside to keep our bodies and minds healthy.

Thanks to technology and innovation, we can now enjoy our fitness activities while staying indoors. Here are some of the best fitness alternatives to keep you active.

Indoor Exercise Equipment

There are many types of indoor exercise equipment that you can use to keep you active. Some of the most popular options include treadmills, stationary bikes, and ellipticals.

Each of these machines provides a great workout, and they are available in almost every fitness store. You can purchase some of them on sale, but if you want to save up, you can buy secondhand equipment.

Most of these machines vary in size and performance, so you must find the right one for your needs. To ensure that you’ll get the best value out of choosing an exercise machine, start by checking reviews and feedback from past purchasers and users.

You should also check the machine’s resistance and incline, as well as its weight capacity. Keep in mind that you will be using these machines regularly, so they should support your fitness routine.

Traditional Cardio Exercises

Cardiovascular exercises, or “cardio” for short, are a great way to get your body moving and stay active. And while it’s always better to go outside and enjoy the fresh air, sometimes that’s not possible.

That’s where traditional cardio exercises come in. You can do these exercises in the comfort of your own home, and they don’t require any special equipment. All you need is a bit of space and some enthusiasm.

The best traditional cardio exercise that you can do indoors is jumping jacks. This classic cardio exercise is a great way to improve your heart rate. Start by standing with your feet together and your hands at your sides. Then jump and split your legs apart as you raise both of your arms straight up. And to make things a little more interesting, try adding some music in the background.

Other traditional cardio exercises that you can do indoors include sprinting in your backyard, jumping rope, and stepping onto the stairs.

Online Tai Chi

Video classes and tutorials are great for those who want to learn a new activity but aren’t too keen on getting sweaty. However, these classes require some form of technology like a computer or mobile device.

Considered the “ballet of martial arts,” Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese practice that has stood the test of time. Also known as a moving meditation, this exercise is a great way to build strength and improve balance.

This exercise is especially beneficial for seniors who want to prevent injuries. It’s gentle yet powerful enough to sculpt your muscles while improving flexibility. And the best part? It is suitable for beginners, but even experts can enjoy it by tweaking the movements.

Many fitness companies offer online Tai Chi that you can watch, wherein you can select any video tutorial with instructions you like to get started with your practice.

Doing Chores


Doing chores is a great way to get your heart rate up and muscles moving. Many people consider it a form of exercise.

Since most of us have to do chores anyway, we might as well make the most of it and turn it into a workout. Tasks that involve a lot of movement, like sweeping and mopping, are especially great for this.

If you’re looking for a more intense workout, you can try doing chores in a timed manner. It means completing as many errands as possible in a set amount of time. Not only will this help get your tasks done faster, but you’ll also be getting in a good workout.

Another way to make doing chores more fun is the “race against the clock challenge.” Have a friend take turns timing you while you both do chores and see who can get things done faster.

So, whether you’re stuck indoors because of a health crisis or just looking for new ways to stay active, there are plenty of different exercises that you can do. Just find the activity that you enjoy most and stick with it. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water!

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