How to Overcome Jetlag: 10 Tips That Really Work


Jetlag is a feeling of fatigue or disorientation that often accompanies air travel across time zones. The body’s circadian rhythm causes it to be disrupted. When you fly, your body is suddenly exposed to light and dark at different times than it is used to, which confuses the brain and makes you feel out of sorts.

Jet lag is a lot like the common cold. It’s not severe, but it sure can make you feel lousy. You might have a headache or stomachache or just feel foggy and out of sorts. And jet lag doesn’t just affect how you think—it affects your performance too. You’re likely to be more tired, irritable, and less able to think clearly when you’re jet-lagged.

The good news is that there are ways to overcome jet lag. And by following these ten tips, you can reset your body’s clock and start feeling better fast.

1. Drink Plenty of Fluids

One of the best ways to overcome jet lag is to drink plenty of fluids. When you’re flying, you often don’t drink enough, and that can leave you feeling dehydrated. Dehydration makes jet lag worse, so make sure to drink plenty of water, juice, and tea on your flight. And continue drinking fluids once you reach your destination. It’s especially important to drink plenty of water when you’re crossing time zones, as your body needs to adjust to the new environment.

2. Get Some Exercise

Another way to overcome jet lag is to get some exercise. When you’re sitting on a plane for hours on end, your muscles get stiff and cramped. And when you finally land, your body requires some activity. So take a walk, go for a run, or do some stretching to help get your body moving. Always check with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine, especially if you haven’t exercised in a while.

3. Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol

Caffeine and alcohol can worsen jet lag, so it’s best to avoid them while you’re trying to adjust to a new time zone. Caffeine is a stimulant and can keep you awake when you should be sleeping. And alcohol can disrupt your sleep patterns and make it harder for your body to adjust. Alcohol also dehydrates you, which should be avoided when you’re trying to overcome jet lag.

4. Try Melatonin

Try melatonin gummies if you’re having trouble falling asleep at your destination. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate sleep, and taking it in gummy form is a convenient way to get it into your system. They’re beneficial when trying to adjust to a new time zone and having trouble sleeping in the new environment.

5. Get Some Sun

Getting some sun can help reset your body’s clock. When exposed to sunlight, your body produces melatonin, which enables you to sleep. So try to get outside for a walk or sit in the sun for a while each day. Sunlight will also help you adjust to the new time zone faster.

6. Adjust Your Eating Schedule

When you’re traveling to a new time zone, it’s a good idea to adjust your eating schedule. Try to eat at the same time as people in the new time zone. That will help your body adjust more quickly. This is especially important when you’re eating meals that are new to you, like breakfast for dinner.

7. Avoid Heavy Meals

It can be tough to eat a large meal when you’re jet-lagged, so try to avoid heavy meals. They can make you feel sluggish and uncomfortable. Instead, stick to light, healthy fare. Heavy meals will only make jet lag worse.

8. Use a Sleeping Mask

Sleeping Mask

If you’re having trouble sleeping at your destination, try using a sleeping mask. It can help block out light and create a more conducive environment for sleep. The sleeping mask can be found at most drugstores.

9. Take a Nap

If you’re feeling tired, try taking a nap. Napping can help refresh your body and make it easier for you to stay awake at night.

10. Make Sure You Get Enough Rest

Finally, make sure you get enough rest. When you’re tired, it’s harder to overcome jet lag. So make sure you get plenty of sleep before your trip and during your journey too. Rest is critical when it comes to beating jet lag.


Jet lag can be a real drag, but with these ten tips that work, you’ll be feeling like yourself again in no time. From drinking plenty of water to avoiding caffeine and alcohol, these tips will help reset your body’s clock and have you feeling refreshed in no time.

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