Best Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality and Avoid Airborne Diseases

modern fan

The ongoing COVID-19 situation has forced millions of families to stay inside their homes to avoid getting infected or becoming spreaders of the deadly virus. In the instances that they have to go out to buy essential supplies such as food and medicine, family members are advised to wear face masks and stay six feet away from other people. It’s safe to say that the current pandemic truly changed the way people live, behave, and think.

Because families now find themselves literally stuck for days inside their homes, they become inadvertently subject to airborne diseases caused by poor indoor air quality. These diseases are typically due to microscopic pollutants and pathogens that affect the lungs and airway. Airborne diseases include flu, cold, whooping cough, and measles.

Here are five simple tricks that you can do to protect your family against airborne illnesses by keeping indoor air clean and fresh:

Have your air ducts professionally cleaned.

Your air ducts can be the perfect haven for all airborne pathogens that could cause serious problems to your family’s health. Since they are practically circulating air all over your house, they are also an ideal gateway for air contaminants. If you want to keep your indoor air quality within safe levels, be sure to tap professionals in air duct cleaning services to give your air ducts a thorough cleaning. With their skills and appropriate tools, you can expect a properly cleaned air duct system that would only deliver fresh, clean air inside your home.

Maintain healthy humidity levels.

Mold and dust mites are fond of moisture, which is why you must make conscious efforts to dehumidify your home. You should keep indoor humidity levels between 30 to 50 percent by using a humidifier, opening the windows when cooking or bathing, and installing exhaust fans. You should also invest in a great-quality air conditioning system and run it particularly during the summer months to regulate indoor temperatures and keep humidity within safe levels.

Increase ventilation throughout your house.

checking vent

Installing exhaust fans and opening doors and windows not only keep humidity low but also increase ventilation throughout the house. If you live in a community with lots of trees, it’s highly recommended to open your windows and doors regularly to let in the fresh air and let out stale air. If possible, do it at least once a week, like on your rest days when you do your regular home cleaning. This simple trick will not just help you keep indoor air quality great but also lower your monthly power consumption.

Invest in commercial and natural air purifiers.

These days, you can simply shop online for commercial purifiers and have them delivered to you. You can buy several of them and place them in your kitchen, living room, bedrooms, and attic or basement. If you want to go the natural way, then there are plenty of plants with natural air purifying properties. These plants include English ivy, snake plants, peace lilies, and rubber plants. You can source these plants from your local nursery or get them from online sellers.

Dust and vacuum regularly.

If you want to get some exercise while improving your home’s indoor air quality, then you should vacuum and dust periodically. If you have lots of carpets and area rugs, this should be a regular affair if you want to get rid of pollens and dust that get trapped within the fabrics. Don’t forget to vacuum corners and the areas under your sofa or beds as they are also dust magnets.

With due diligence and these simple tips, ensuring that your family breathes clean, fresh air is easily achievable.

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