Reasons Why You’re Having Allergic Attacks Suddenly Inside Your Home

man allergic to pollen
  • Allergies are caused by the immune system reacting to a foreign substance.
  • Mold growth, household chemicals, pet dander, and dust can trigger allergic reactions.
  • Regular cleaning, using natural alternatives, and maintaining humidity can prevent allergies.
  • Poor air quality and smoke can also cause allergies, so regular maintenance is important.
  • Invest in a chimney repair service and replace air filters often to keep allergens at bay.

Sneezing, coughing, and itching are the most common signs you have allergic attacks. It’s instigated by triggering molds, dust, pollen, and pet dander. Typically, these allergies manifest outdoors, but if these suddenly occur inside your home, it starts to be alarming. If you’re wondering why these sudden allergic attacks happen, consider the factors below. But first, you need to know how allergies form suddenly out of nowhere.

Allergies and Your Body

Your allergies are caused by the immune system responding to a foreign substance or allergen it mistakenly believes is harmful. When exposed to this allergen, your body releases histamine, which triggers the allergy symptoms you may be familiar with, such as sneezing, congestion, coughing, and an itching sensation. Because the immune system is so sensitive to even the slightest change, it may react to a substance that was not previously an issue. This can happen when you come in contact with a new allergen or have an allergic reaction to something for the first time. Here are some reasons why you’re having allergic reactions inside your home:

Mold Growth

Moisture is mold’s friend, and it can trigger allergic reactions. Check for any signs of mold inside your home, such as walls, carpets, and air conditioning systems. It’s better to have a mold testing professional examine your home and prevent further infestations that can harm your health and home structures. Metal and tile surfaces can inhibit mold growth compared to wood and paper-like surfaces.

Household Chemicals

Disinfectants, cleaners, and air fresheners are the common household chemicals used daily to clean and freshen the air inside the home. Some of these chemicals release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that contribute to indoor pollution and generate allergic reactions. You can choose eco-friendly and non-toxic products or natural alternatives such as vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils.

Pets in line

Pet Dander

The fur and feathers of our beloved furry friends can trigger allergies. Pet dander sticks on your clothes, carpets, and furniture, even if you’re not near your pets. Regular pet grooming and cleaning routines can prevent allergens from spreading around the house. You can also designate a pet-free area in your home if someone is allergic to pets so there’s still a safe space for everyone.


Indoor dust contains dead skin cells, pet dander, insect excrement, and outdoor pollutants that enter through doors and windows. Regular cleaning schedules and high-quality air filters that catch allergens are necessary. Invest in vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters and dust mite covers for your bedding and pillows.

Poor Air Quality

Dirty and ill-maintained HVAC systems in your home can cause inadequate air circulation and inferior air quality. Indoor air circulation that’s too dry or moist can promote mold growth and dust accumulation. Professional AC or heater system maintenance can ensure it runs efficiently and diminish indoor allergens.

Preventive Measures For Allergies

A clean and healthy home environment is the best way to prevent allergies. Here are some preventive measures for allergies:

Check Your Chimney

Wood smoke can contain allergens, so make sure your chimney is regularly inspected and serviced to prevent smoke and pollen from entering. Moreover, it should be repaired annually. A chimney repair service can inspect your chimney for cracks and signs of deterioration. They can then address the problem so your chimney can function normally.

Filter from AC

Change Your Filters

Replace your air filters often, especially if you have pets or smoke inside the house. Air conditioning filters can trap allergens and prevent them from spreading around the home. Also, invest in high-efficiency air purifiers with HEPA filters to keep airborne particles at bay.

Clean Regularly

Though you can’t control the outside air, regular cleaning and dusting will help reduce indoor allergens. Vacuum carpets and furniture every week and keep everything in order. It’s also a great idea to bathe your pets regularly and vacuum pet fur from surfaces.

Maintain Humidity Levels

Dry air can cause asthma attacks, while moisture can encourage mold growth. To maintain humidity levels in your home, you need a hygrometer to check the indoor humidity level regularly. Investing in a dehumidifier or humidifier can regulate and improve your home’s air quality.

These are some of the reasons you may have sudden allergic attacks inside your home. Taking preventive measures and having regular maintenance can help keep allergies at bay. Consider the tips above to ensure everyone in your home is allergy-free and healthy.

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